Kayreer sets up Live Mock Interviews so that you find the actual ones cakewalk;
in special cases, we also set up Real Mocks, where in-Person Mocks are conducted.
Here a most suited panel of One/ Two/ Three interviews you in the decided Metro city at a Venue of our choice.
You get a real feel unlike the virtual online/ telephonic one (in fact this has its own advantages).
Again, these aren’t mere practice sorties – these are REAL Mocks.
For Example, you wish to join Max Life* Sales at Board level as an independent director – a position you’re sure exists and you can win the same.
Then we identify Max and Other Banking Chairmen et al, who can conduct a 30-45 minute professional interview, which also happens to be a Mentoring Session for you.
For Example, you wish to join IIM Ahmedabad.
We identify IIM/ UGC/ UPSC interviewers, who run the simulation of the real process on you. Thus you already know what written tests and psychometry you would be sitting through. You get a feel of 3/4 rounds of interviewing. This helps you on similar level of sophisticated interviewers: Other IIMs/ XLRI/ ISB Hyderabad etc.
We’ve partitioned various Mock Interview Offerings as per your seniority, as different complexities enter the same as per years of experience. Please pick whichsoever applies to you best: