You should never succumb to a feudal world and its practices. Traditionally, all interview panels are used to “lording” over the candidate, playing with him like a cat might paw a mouse.
Change this.
Learn to ask reverse questions – after all you are also pledging time and career and aspirations. Ask probing questions, albeit tactfully and with respect.
And as the interview progresses, voice to your self an appraisal of the panelists – evaluate them. See which way the interview is going, and if need be, step in aggressively, and moderate the proceedings.
This ensures seriousness too of the casual interviewer, for many of them carry out a charade of interviewing.
Play for win.
Further, get this sorted in first round itself, whether the prospective employer has the capacity/ inclination to offer what you demand. Many a times a candidate already drawing 36 lacs is told in final round, after 6 weeks of interviewing, they can’t offer more than 26 lacs – what a time wastage!