Negotiating the Package (PU-252)


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You have the offer you wanted – now negotiating the salary package. But you understand the game, you want the employer to fall in love with you before you start talking numbers. That way you’re in a much better negotiating position. And the best advice is you should take in the process counter-intuitively: don’t talk salary yet. “When you get the actual offer, you’re in no emotional shape to negotiate,” they say. “All you’re thinking about is that you got the offer and you just want to lock it up.” A lot of people are afraid that if they ask for more time, the hiring manager will rescind the opportunity. But that doesn’t happen 99% of the time. What you should say: “I’m thrilled you want to hire me. Could you just give me a couple of days to think about it?”

It’s time to do as much research as possible on how much the company pays for that position and to draw up a list of things that matter to you, including your scope of responsibilities, base salary, bonus, frequency of reviews, vacation time, technology you’ll be using, even where you’ll sit. Go into the next meeting with a pad and pen and say, I hope you don’t mind if I take notes. That will signify how serious you are and ensure that you have a record of what you agree upon.

Don’t be nervous – don’t be a mess. Firm up your hard negotiation skills. They need you as much as you need them.

This book takes you through the process tried across hundreds of offers, with wins. Of course, you win some, lose some. Very useful book.


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